Business trips can be tough, we have all been there, and you are on your own in a place you don’t know, stuck in a hotel. However it doesn’t have to be this way, there are ways that you can turn even the shortest of business trips into a fun and fruitful mini break. So pack your overnight bag, jump on the plane and look forward to some well-deserved rest and relaxation, oh and a little business too.

Enjoy your evenings
There are, in general, two forms of business trips; those that will require you to work in the evening and those that don’t. Either way, there are plenty of ways that you can turn boring into effortlessly fun, starting with trying your hand at some classic games. This is the perfect for those of us that don’t have time to leave our hotels. There are numerous classic games available online, from casino games through to Super Mario that will take you back to your childhood. Many are available for free; your expenses will not stretch to classic gaming I’m afraid.

If you do get the chance to leave your hotel room, then gaming doesn’t have to stop. It may be that you are in a town that houses a casino which is perfect. However if you are not, then why don’t you have a look to see if there are any pub quizzes happening during your stay. The great thing about enjoying an evening playing a pub quiz is that they last for at least 2 hours. This will give you the chance to be around other people, have some fun and kill some time before heading back to your hotel.

Take someone with you
In these tough economic times, planning a holiday or mini break with your partner is no easy feat. It may come down to money or it could simply be too difficult to get time off the job. So, why not turn your business trip into the ultimate weekend break. OK, so your partner will have to be alone during your meetings, but this is a small price to pay when you consider the chance to explore somewhere new.


Try to organise your trip to include a weekend, this way you won’t have to take any extra time off work. As you are somewhere new, before you leave you can research the places nearby that you can visit and also find something for your other half to do whilst you are working. From art galleries through to a hit show, this is the perfect time to explore.

Stay entertained whilst travelling
One of the worst parts about heading off for a business trip is that there may be a long journey to contend with, especially dull if you are travelling alone. This is the perfect opportunity to take some time to yourself and turn the mundane into the interesting. There are too many ways to accomplish this too mention them all, but why not start with a new hobby.

We all have a dream of trying something new, so why not use a long haul flight to learn a new skill. Grab some books on your chosen subject, whether it is IT or crafts – there are hundreds of magazines and books related to these subjects. Start your learning by getting to grips with the basics of your chosen hobby. This will give you a basic understanding that you can apply once you get back home.

Shannon Morris

I'm Shannon Morris, a versatile writer with expertise in auto, business, real estate, education, shopping guides, and travel stories. With a passion for exploring diverse topics, Shannon brings insightful and engaging content to readers across various interests. Whether discussing the latest trends or offering practical advice, Shannon delivers valuable information with clarity and ease.

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